jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Thanksgiving Day

This is an important day in the US, you have to find out why. To get some help you can check previous posts in this blog.  (On the post of 2012 you have a real life experience)

For several reasons, I would like you to watch this video with a mixture of two songs from the tv show GLEE. Pay attention since there are several slang words, some words of French origine, the explanation of the title of the song and some references to the main character of this evening's dinner. I am looking forward to reading your comments.

6 comentarios:

sanara dijo...

Some words that I have heard in French are: adieu, ennui and oui. Maybe, I make a mistake, but they are singing very fast.

Eunate dijo...

So funny!
I've looked for the original video and is still better!
I don't catch the real meaning of some words but I just can imagine. If they knew what kiki means for us... (sorry)

As Sandra, I understood ennui (thanks to the Gilmore girls), oui and non.

With my pupils, we've been talking about Thanks giving, the Mayflower, the pilgrims and the native americans... a very nice story.

Pablo Jociles dijo...

Refreshing song and video. I agree with Eunate, the original one played by Scissor Sister is quite...well, I don't know, interesting and different and this is the sentence I like most “a kiki is a party for calming all your nerves”

Related to the second part of the song I found this little rhyme about Thanksgiving Day, :

The cranberry ran away on Thanksgiving Day. 
Said she, “They’ll make a sauce of me if I should stay!”
The pumpkin ran away on Thanksgiving Day. 
Said she, “They’ll make a pie of me if I should stay!”
The turkey ran away on Thanksgiving Day. 
Said he, “They’ll make a feast of me if I should stay!”

Split dijo...

Hi everyone,

It's so nice to see you all here!
When this song came out, I was really into it, and though I love The Scissor Sisters, I think that the mash-up that Glee did with Turkey Lurkey is very nice.

Pablo, the rhyme is great! Thanks for sharing!

The teacher dijo...

Dear students,
I really appreciate your taking part on the blog. THANK YOU.
Well, the French words we can listen to in this amusing mash-up are definitely, "ennui" and "bid adieu" which is a collocation.
About the slang we can find, we have "Johnny 5-0" any clue of what that can be?

Thank you Pablo for the turkey rhyme!!

Split dijo...

What about MTA, what does that stand for, dear teacher or one of her students?