martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

let´s practice our pronunciation

Now a new school year begins we have lots of good intentions. I hope among these good plans you have, there is some room for  your English pronunciation.

You have a link  to practise some words but ... I would really like you to use the comment box to share  the ones you have problems with.

12 comentarios:

The teacher dijo...

Hello dear students!
I would like to break the ice with the words that we came across in class this morning:




These are just a few of the ones you usually have problems with. Don't be shy and write the ones you need to practise. Don't worry if you can't do the transcription.

Anónimo dijo...

In Spanish we only have five vogal , however in English there are many combinations!
For me it¨s dificult to say : juzge, aged, heart, caught, throat.. the list never ends!!!


evico dijo...

I can´t heard very well the pronuntiation of thistle and onomatopoeia.On the other hand , she pronunces would in a strange way.

Leo dijo...

Hello everyone!

For me it´s difficult to say correctly:
- awkward.
- naughty.
- thorough.

and a biiig list, hehehe.

Rosa dijo...

if I have to choose of my personal list of difficult words I would chosse jewel, through, chisps...

Mercé dijo...

I have realized how badly I pronounce would and should.

Puri dijo...

I think It's really difficult to pronounce correctly

word,world and work

Roma dijo...

I find really hard to pronouce words that begin with an "h" and the worr "rural" that sounds awfully. :P

It's nice to have you back!

Marichu dijo...

Such a wonderful blog, which has let me improve quite a lot my English, and specially my pronunciation in this case. Next Friday I'm travelling to Ireland and right now I'm more self-confident and I'll be able to communicate better with people in there. Thank you!

The teacher dijo...

Thank you all for these comments. We will see these words in class.

You can increase the list with other words you have doubts with.

I'm glad you like the blog, Marichu. This is the idea, to help you improve your English.

Juande dijo...

I have a little difficulty in knowing how the pronunciation is of the following words:


Pura dijo...

Hi! Thank you for this page. I think it´s very good for us and we can improve our pronunciation.