viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

Something old with new ears

We are going to start our activities having fun with sounds. With that purpose I have thought of a classic, Francis. It's a song you all know very well, so I'll ask you to approach it "with new ears".
It's easy, you just have to listen to it concentrating on the sounds, rather than on the way you would expect to hear the words according to our Spanish sounds.

Let me propose an activity. Listen to the song and then find words that contain the following  sounds:
 /dʒ/ as in jazz,
 /iz/as in  watches,   
 /a:/as in car,  
 and a very easy one - /ai/ as in light,

... and don't miss the final dooby doooby dooo for /d/.


You have four days to think about it, and after those days, you are welcome to write your results in the comment box.  Enjoy the sounds!

Hey students, where are your answers!!??!!??

14 comentarios:

Marta dijo...
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Marta dijo...

This is an amazing video to improve our pronunciation a bit more:

Marta dijo...

I think I have found some sounds:

/dʒ/ as in stranger
/iz/as in chances
/a:/as in dance
/ai/ as in night

José María dijo...

Hi everyone, the teacher sent us a very easy play.
I propose you another play.
I'll say you the words and you imagine the sounds. Ok?
If you send another words,I'll prefer imagine the sounds. Of course!
My words are:
eyes: from "something in your eyes..."
heart: from "something in my heart..."
glances: from "exchanging glances..."
just: from "love was just a..."
Now, send me others words and I'll say you the sounds!.

Roma dijo...

Marta, I just loved the video, really! And I'm not even too keen on the song.

Hey, Teach, I'll try with a sound too: I liked "exchanging" because of /dʒ/ after the voiceless soung which I'm not able to transcribe here for I am lazy. Great exercise!

José María, I'm afraid I didn't quite get what you want us to do. Sorry!


Unknown dijo...

It´s a great exercise. Thanks, teacher!

Maria J Pajuelo dijo...

Dear students,
It would be nice if you gave this a look, I'd like to go through it with you in class next week, let's say on the 8th. Good work!!!

Maria J Pajuelo dijo...

Dear students,
It would be nice if you gave this a look, I'd like to go through it with you in class next week, let's say on the 8th. Good work!!!

Poppy dijo...

I really enjoy with this song. It's one of the best for me. I love it.

/dz/: stranges,exchanging
/iz/: stranges,chances, glances
/a:/: glances,heart,dance
/ai/: night,eye,smile,exciting,side

Maria J Pajuelo dijo...

well done Poppy!!!!

I assume you mean strangers, for the /dʒ/

/iz/ is not correct for strangers, that should be a schwa
But the rest is pretty fine.

José María dijo...

Sorry for not keep in touch before but I was away all last week without net.
Roma,forgive me for not explaining it perfectly.
I wanted that you would tell me a word and then I would say the sound.
for example:
eyes: from "something in your eyes" is with the sound /ai/.
heart: is with the sound /a:/.
glances: is with /iz/.
just: is with /dg/.

Poppy dijo...

Yes, I ment strangers for /dz/ but it was wrong for /iz/. I knew that but I don't know how I wrote it again. That was wrong.
Thanks a lot.

José María dijo...

If you pay attention "the night". I imagine you say me "thanks" and I say you "denai",so "night" is with /ai/.
"before" is also interesting,I imagine it like two air balloon deflacting: /bi'fffff/.
do you get it?

Rosa dijo...

I only could find:
/iz/glances, chances
/a:/ heart
/ai/ night, right, exciting