And, to finish with "Ordinary Words, No Ordinary Buildings" we are going to listen to the audio that appears in Speak up magazine number 333 track 4 about that building.
In the pic you can see -with a little effort- The Gherkin, The Grater, The Walkie- Talkie and The Shard.
Answer to these questions from the listening:
1) In which London neighbourhood can you find The Shard?
2) Who is Renzo Piano?
3) Why is it called 'The Shard'?
4) Although all we can see is glass, what is the centre of this building made of?
5) Where are the offices located?
6) What can we find on the top of the offices?
7) Where in the world can we find most of the Shangri-La Hotels?
8) Is it possible for people to live in the Shard? Give a full answer.
9) Why are the viewing galleries so unique for those who visit it?
10) What other important landmarks in the world is The Shard compared with?